Rabu, 03 Maret 2010

Pengaruh Pemberian Kredit Terhadap Tingkat Pendapatan Usaha Kecil

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian kredit terhadap tingkat pendapatan usaha kecil pada Bank XXX Kecamatan XXX.
Permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pengaruh pemberian kredit terhadap tingkat pendapatan usaha kecil pada Bank tersebut. Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah diduga ada pengaruh pemberian kredit terhadap tingkat pendapatan usaha kecil pada Bank XXX
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data berupa studi pustaka, studi lapangan, wawancara serta dokumentasi sebagai pelengkap dalam penelitian ini.
Dengan menggunakan regresi linier diperoleh persamaan Y=1,093 + 0,914 artinya bahwa ada pengaruh yang positif antara pemberian kredit terhadap tingkat pendapatan usaha kecil hal ini berarti jika variabel X bertambah satu satuan maka variabel Y akan bertambah satu satu begitu juga sebaliknya. Sedangkan analisis korelasi product moment diperoleh nilai r sebesar 0,785 yang berarti ada pengaruh yang positif antara pemberian kredit terhadap tingkat pendapatan usaha kecil. Adapun koefisien korelasi determinasi r2 diperoleh nilai prosentase sebesar 61,62% dan setelah diadakan pengujian hipotesis diperoleh thitung sebesar 6,703 dengan level of signifikansi 0,05 dan t tabel 2,048, dengan demikian maka Ho ditolak yang berarti terdapat pengaruh yang kuat antara pemberian kredit terhadap tingkat pendapatan usaha kecil.
Kesimpulan bahwa pemberian kredit yang diberikan oleh Bank XXX kepada masyarakat menengah ke bawah sangat berarti sebab dapat menambah tingkat pendapatan usaha kecil.

Jumat, 26 Februari 2010

The influence of Siemens Product Quality Customer Satisfaction Against the PT X

The world is increasingly competitive market requires companies to have a competitive advantage. To be able to still exist in the production process and maintain company kontiyuitas we are required to further work hard, smart, and creative. On the other hand, consumers are faced with a variety of product choices. Creating a quality product and loved a challenge for the company.
Companies and businesses are required to always have accurate information about the development of the marketing environment because the environment is fast changing. With these environmental changes is the need for timely information that will be even greater than in the past. To make it easier in getting the information it needed a medium of communication, then line with technological developments, the letter is no longer effective then came the phone as a medium of communication. Today the phone with the cable network (in particular) is becoming obsolete, and now this new communication technology comes the mobile phone. With more mobile phones make it easy for people to communicate as well as more sophisticated than can be carried anywhere with a phone cord is different.
Meanwhile, from the 3GSM Conference 2005 which took place in March 2005 in Cannes, France, the conclusion may be obtained for the moment is the death of telephone cable networks in homes are commonly referred to as PSTN (Public Switch Telephone Network), which in Indonesia managed by PT Telkom. This means that within the next 3-5 years, telephone cable network systems are dug in the ground will not be able to grow and lose interest more people to use it, even in the corporate scale.
Another conclusion can be drawn is that anything done by PT Telkom will not be able to match the speed and the many alternative options available in wireless telecommunication technologies are rapidly developing and full of brilliant ideas beyond our own shadow on the development of telecommunications.
Just now, mobile phone number (mobile) homes in major cities in Indonesia have more than 2-3 pieces, while a home phone that has many years there were only one thing (or maybe two) and shape do not change significantly. There was an effort to improve the phone features of this house, for example, by adding digital capabilities, such as capable of receiving short message service (SMS / Sort Message Service) is now a popular cable channel or break in the central crib to be used as access to broadband Internet networks such as Speedy service . But it is difficult to compete with mobile phone.
Improving economic conditions will also positively affect the development of telecommunications provider industry, especially today. Lately the development of telecommunications in Indonesia has become widespread as more mobile phone manufacturers like Nokia, Samsung, Sony-Ericcson, Ben-Q Siemens, Motorola, 02, LG, Sanex, Panasonic, who each bring different product features mainstay intended to attract more consumers.
With the increasingly intense competition among the mobile phone manufacturer, the mobile phone manufacturers should establish marketing strategies is telling in order to win the competition and are able to maintain market share that has been achieved so as not taken by the competitors began to enter the Indonesian market. For that mobile phone manufacturers are required to create a competitive advantage to be able to distinguish the competitors and win the competition.
The relationship between product quality and profitability in this case quite clearly, because with a loyal or loyal customers, the company received assurances that the product will continue to be purchased and the future business will run smoothly. Loyal customers will not move the heart, although the lure of berries or a temptation irresistible. For already established a long-term relationships between producers and consumers that will continue.
Satisfaction followed loyalty (loyal) is basically one of the most important factor in increasing sales and income of an enterprise service provider. Where is the competitive situation at this very tight with many market players, in this case customer loyalty (customer Loyality) become scarce because of hard to come by. To foster customer loyalty in customers is not an easy thing in shape because mempu service providers must provide quality services to customers, because quality can encourage customers to establish a close relationship with the company, where the relationship allows the company to find out what the customer wants and needs . By understanding this, companies can increase customer satisfaction, which in turn will foster and enhance customer loyalty is a way to maximize the experience fun and minimize or even eliminate an uncomfortable experience for customers.